Quoting Service Cost
This topic describes how to quickly create a quote to estimate the cost of deploying Megaport services, before actually ordering the services.
Entering details of the services into the Quoting Tool helps you plan the overall cost of Megaport services within a specified time period. This provides a clear idea of the design, services needed, and cost breakdown for planning.
You can use the Megaport Quoting Tool to:
- Create solution quotes
- Save a quote
- View all saved quotes
- Edit saved quotes
- Download saved quotes
- Track quote status
- Print quotes for review
Creating a quote
Use your Megaport Portal credentials to log in to the Quoting Tool.
Your login takes you to the Quoting Tool Saved Quotes page. Use the Saved Quotes page to view a list of your company’s quotes and create, duplicate, save, and print and send quotes for review.
The Saved Quotes page displays all of your saved quotes. The list includes quotes where the created date is less than six months old. Quotes are deleted after six months.
By default, the page is sorted by the date the quote was created, in descending order. The most recent quote is listed first.
To create a quote
On the Saved Quotes page, click Create New Quote.
The Create New Quote prompt appears. -
Enter a name for the quote in the Quote Name field.
The company name cannot be changed. -
Click Create New Quote.
The Quote Builder page appears. This page shows the quote details on the left. The Quote Details area shows the quote name, quote ID, company name, user who created the quote, created date, and quote status. The Created By field automatically populates with the email address of the logged in user. -
Select a service to add to the quote: Port, MCR, or MVE.
Click Choose Location and select the service location.
Enter the required fields, such as name, rate limit, currency, and term. Requirements vary by service.
Add the service.
Click +Connection to add a connection to the service. For connections, choose a destination type. The procedure varies slightly depending on the destination type.
- Cloud – Select a provider and destination.
- Private – Select a destination.
- Marketplace – Select a Marketplace provider and destination.
- Internet Exchange – Select a location.
- Megaport Internet – Select a location.
Enter the connection name, minimum term, and rate limit, where applicable.
Click Save Connection to add the connection.
Continue adding the required services to the quote.
Click Save on the right when done.
The Quote ID field is automatically populated with a system-generated UID and the quote status is set to Saved. -
Click Close to view the Saved Quotes page.
Editing a quote
It’s easy to change or duplicate a saved quote. For example, you can add a new service, add a Virtual Cross Connect (VXC) to a previously created service, or create a quote based on an existing quote.
To edit a quote
- On the Saved Quotes page, click Edit next to the quote.
Make the required changes.
For example, change the term of a service or add a new connection.
The changes to the quote are reflected in the pricing. -
Click Save.
To return to the Saved Quotes page, click Close.
To create a quote based on an existing quote
- On the Saved Quotes page, click the down arrow next to the quote.
- Choose Duplicate.
A prompt is displayed conforming the quote was successfully duplicated. The new quote is added to the Saved Quotes page, with (Duplicate) added to the quote name. - Click Edit to make changes to the new quote.
- Enter a unique descriptive name in the Quote Name field to identify the quote.
Make any changes unique to this quote. For example, add a new service or connection, or change an existing service or connection.
Duplicating a quote doesn’t copy the Created By and Created Date values. These fields are unique for each quote. The Created By and Created Date values automatically populate with the current logged in user and date. -
Click Save.
Sorting quotes
You can sort the Saved Quotes list by date, quote ID, quote name, and user who created the quote.
To sort by column heading
Click the up/down triangles next to a column heading.
The table columns reload, if necessary. -
Click the heading again to reverse the order.
The triangle color reflects the current bidirectional sort order.
To delete a quote
- On the Saved Quotes page, click the down arrow next to the quote.
- Choose Delete.
- Click Yes to confirm.
You can only delete quotes with a Saved status.
Downloading a quote
You can download a quote in two formats: PDF and CSV. The PDF version is ideal because it includes the quote details on a Megaport letterhead and a legal disclaimer that the quote is non-binding. Once the quote is downloaded, you can share it for review.
To download a quote
- On the Saved Quotes page, click Edit next to the quote.
- Click Download.
Choose Download CSV or Download PDF.
- Download CSV – Downloads the quote in the comma-separated values (CSV) format. You can use the CSV file to import the data into spreadsheets and databases. You can open the CSV file in any text editor.
- Download PDF – Shows a preview of the formatted data. Click Print PDF to open the Print dialog box. You can then either save to PDF or print. When you are finished, click the browser back button to return to the previous page.