
Single Sign-On (SSO) FAQs

This topic describes some of the commonly asked questions and answers relating to setting up Single Sign-On (SSO) for the Megaport Portal.

For more information on the SSO setup process, see Setting up Single Sign-On.

I have set up SSO between Azure AD and Megaport, why am I now receiving a Login Failed error when trying to log in?

Although this can be caused by a number of reasons, the most common reason is the email mapping attribute with Megaport not being set to Azure’s fully qualified email attribute value. Azure expects this, and if using just “emailaddress” then the integration will fail. To confirm if this is the cause, you can look at the browser console when logging in, and if you see an error containing “mapped email is empty” then this will be the cause.

I have set up an IdP initiated flow with my IdP to connect to Megaport and it’s not working. Why?

Megaport uses AWS Cognito to support SSO, which does not support IdP initiated flows at this stage. Trying to use an IdP initiated flow will result in a relayState error. Once SSO has been configured for your Megaport account, you need to log in to Megaport directly via the Megaport Portal login page at

Why do I receive a relayState error when testing my SSO configuration directly through my IdP?

Some IdPs offer the ability test the SSO connection through their SSO configuration page. This test typically triggers an IdP initiated flow which is not supported by Megaport. To test if SSO has been set up correctly with Megaport, we recommend trying to log in directly via once you have completed the configuration with your IdP.

I’ve been invited by my Company Admin to our Company account with SSO and have never logged in directly with Megaport credentials. There are issues logging in via SSO. How can I get into my Company’s account?

If you have the role of Company Administrator, or SSO hasn’t been enforced for your company account, then you can log in with a Megaport username and password. As you haven’t ever created a Megaport password with your profile, you will first need to do this. Go to the Megaport login page at, then click Get help signing in. When on the Login Help page, click Forgot Password and follow the prompts. Once you have set a password, you will be able to use this going forward and log in with these details. You can use the Get help signing in option again if/when needed.