
Common Connectivity Scenarios

This topic describes eight common scenarios delivering different levels of protection at the physical layer connecting to Megaport SDN.


Scenario 1
Customer edge device stack (switch/router/firewall) at a single Megaport PoP with a single cross connect connecting to a single Port.
Protection at the Physical Layer
Megaport PoP N/A
Switch Chassis N/A
SFP Transceiver N/A
Cross Connect N/A
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Customer edge device stack (switch/router/firewall) at a single Megaport PoP with dual cross connects connecting to two Ports in a LAG.
Protection at the Physical Layer
Megaport PoP N/A
Switch Chassis N/A
SFP Transceiver 1
Cross Connect 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Customer edge device stack (switch/router/firewall) at a single Megaport PoP with dual cross connects connecting to two Ports not in a LAG on different chassis.
Note: You will need to discuss this option with your Sales Directors or Solutions Architect on the specific PoP location.
Protection at the Physical Layer
Megaport PoP N/A
Switch Chassis 1
SFP Transceiver 1
Cross Connect 1
Scenario 3
Scenario 4
Customer edge device stack (switch/router/firewall) at a single Megaport PoP with one cross connect connecting to one Port and one DC Interconnect (Campus) cross connect connecting to one Port at a different nearby Megaport PoP.
Protection at the Physical Layer
Megaport PoP N/A
Switch Chassis 1
SFP Transceiver 1
Cross Connect 1
Scenario 4
Scenario 5
Customer edge device (switch/router/firewall) at each of two Megaport PoPs with a single cross connect connecting to a single Port and with a separate connection between the two sites.
Protection at the Physical Layer
Megaport PoP 1
Switch Chassis 1
SFP Transceiver 1
Cross Connect 1
Scenario 5
Scenario 6
Customer edge device stack (switch/router/firewall) at a single Megaport PoP with dual cross connects connecting to two Ports in a LAG and another dual DC Interconnect (Campus) cross connects to two Ports in a LAG at a different Megaport PoP.
Protection at the Physical Layer
Megaport PoP N/A
Switch Chassis 1
SFP Transceiver 3
Cross Connect 3
Scenario 6
Scenario 7
Customer edge device stack (switch/router/firewall) at each of two Megaport PoPs with dual cross connects connecting to two Ports in a LAG, and with a separate connection between the two sites.
Protection at the Physical Layer
Megaport PoP 1
Switch Chassis 1
SFP Transceiver 3
Cross Connect 3
Scenario 7
Scenario 8
Customer edge device stack (switch/router/firewall) at each of two Megaport PoPs with dual cross connects connecting to two Ports not in a LAG on separate chassis, and with an optional separate connection between the two sites.
Note: You will need to discuss this option with your Sales Directors or Solutions Architect on the specific PoP location.
Protection at the Physical Layer
Megaport PoP 1
Switch Chassis Up to 3 (With separate connection between two sites)
SFP Transceiver 3
Cross Connect 3
Scenario 8