
Release Notes

This topic describes changes and enhancements that have been made to the Megaport Portal.

Information about Megaport API changes are available in the API Developer Portal. For details, see Megaport API Release Notes.

July 2024

  • Increase VXC Speed During Contract Term – You can now increase the rate limit of a VXC above the original contracted value while the VXC is on a contract term. You can increase the VXC speed to the maximum limit allowed without having to re-term it. For more information, see Changing the Speed of a Termed VXC.


    The term discount will now appear differently in the invoice for any service ordered on term, not just VXC.

  • New Quoting Tool for Direct Accounts – All direct Megaport accounts now have access to the Quoting Tool to generate quotes and estimate service costs, before ordering the services. The Quoting Tool is available at For more information, see Quoting Service Cost.


    Managed account users are restricted from accessing the Quoting Tool.

  • Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual on MVE – Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual can now be integrated with MVE and deployed on the Megaport network. Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual uses Cisco’s firewall functionality to enable consistent security policies for workloads across physical, virtual, and cloud environments.

    Deploying Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual on MVE allows you to create a single security solution in your workflows for personal devices, data centers, and the closest availability zones of your cloud platforms.

    For more information, see Creating an MVE with Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual.

  • Introducing MVE for Aviatrix Secure Edge – Aviatrix Secure Edge is now available as a new vendor and product when ordering MVEs.

    The integration of Aviatrix with Megaport’s MVE delivers secure, high-performance multi-cloud and hybrid cloud connectivity, allowing you to connect, secure, and easily manage your cloud environments.

    This update includes a set of new topics that describe the Megaport and Aviatrix Secure Edge solution, including overview, deployment, planning, and connection details.


    • Requires a Cloud-init File: You can obtain this through Aviatrix.
    • vNIC Support: Minimum of three vNICs, with support for a maximum of five vNICs through Megaport.

    For more information, see Aviatrix with Megaport Virtual Edge.

  • MVE Configuration Screen Improvements – The MVE configuration screen has been streamlined to enhance usability. The product version selection has been moved to the right-hand configuration panel in the Service Details section, reducing clutter and eliminating the need to scroll through long lists when ordering an MVE. This update significantly improves the initial vendor selection process.

  • Service Utilization Data Export – An Export CSV button has been added to the usage graph when editing a service or connection, allowing customers to export their service utilization data as a CSV file.

  • Service Logging Improvements – Some improvements have been made to the Service Logs page, including accurately displaying the recorded logs for a given time period, and listing from most recent to oldest. The Service Logs page has also been updated to show a maximum of 100 of the most recent logs for a service.

  • Rackspace Tile Added to Services Page – The Rackspace tile has been added to the Add Connection section of the Services page, listed alphabetically after the Megaport products.

  • Service Status Page Updates – Additional improvements have been made to the recently released Service Status Page feature based on feedback. Changes include page navigation improvements and the addition of a Refresh button to update the page with the latest data.

  • New IX Locations – MegaIX is now available in Adelaide, Chicago, and Bay Area and available for ordering in the Megaport Portal. Megaport’s MegaIX is your high-speed express lane to the most in-demand global networks.

  • Move VXC Multiple vNIC Labels – Some usability improvements have been made to the vNIC and VLAN field titles when moving the A-End and/or B-End connections to an MVE with multiple vNICs. The text New has been added to make it clear these are the new vNIC details, and the popup tooltip was updated with additional information.

  • Improve Searching for B-End Destination of VXC in the Portal – Improved the selection of VXC B-End destination when ordering.

    • Port relabelled with Destination instead.
    • The destination list can be filtered using a text search on service name and location details.
  • Letter Case Now Ignored When Sorting Private VXC Destinations List Alphabetically – Previously, services with titles that started with uppercase letters were all listed first, and then lowercase titles were listed below. This has now been changed so that letter case is ignored when sorting this list alphabetically.

  • Issues fixed:

    • An incorrect message was displayed in the header when editing VXCs for some cloud providers.
    • Minor issues that occurred regarding Azure VXC creation from MVEs.
    • Sync error for Switch managed account.
    • Speed changes for VXCs (not on term) are now editable. An issue occurred where customers were unable to edit their VXC rate limit.

June 2024

  • Megaport Docs RSS Feed – An RSS Feed has been added to the Megaport Docs which allows you to be notified when an update or change has been made to the documentation. The RSS Feed icon is available at the bottom right of each page. Simply subscribe to the feed using an RSS reader, for example, Slack or Feedly, to keep up to date with information about all of our latest features!

  • Connecting to Cisco Webex – A new topic has been created that describes how to connect a Port to Cisco Webex Edge Connect. For more information, see Connecting to Cisco Webex Edge Connect with Megaport.

  • Service Key Support for MCR and MVE – In the Megaport Portal, you can now create a service key for an MCR and MVE. A customer or other business can now connect to your Port, MCR, or MVE via a service key.

    • All keys – The owner of the B-End (service key provider) can change the name of the VXC at their end to something more meaningful after the VXC has been created by the other party (A-End). This will not impact the name of the VXC with the A-End customer.
    • All keys – Only the owner of the VXC can request a speed change, up to and including the maximum set by the service key creator. An approval by the creator of the service key will be required before the change happens. An email will be sent advising of the speed change request.
    • MCR keys – Can add B-End configuration information relating to the MCR when creating a single-use service key.
    • MVE keys – Can add Preferred B-End VLAN information when creating a single-use service key.

    For more information, see Setting Up Service Keys.

  • Service Status Page Update – Services impacted by an ongoing maintenance or outage event are now flagged on the Services page. You can view details about the maintenance or outage in the Maintenance & Outages page.

  • Allow Megaport Internet VXC to MVE in Another Country – You can now order an MVE in a country where there is no Megaport Internet connection but there is the necessary compute infrastructure to support MVEs. For example, an MVE located in Ireland can order a Megaport Internet VXC to the UK. Previously both had to exist in the same country to order an MVE. This update allows you to select Megaport Internet for MVEs in countries outside the one where you’re placing the order.

  • Support for Monitoring Maintenance and Outage Events – The Maintenance & Outages page allows you to monitor events that impact your services, including current, scheduled, and past events.

    By staying informed about maintenance activities and service outages, you can plan effectively around scheduled maintenance and provide faster responses during unplanned outages.

    Access to the Maintenance & Outages page is also available to both partners and managed accounts.

    For more information, see Monitoring Maintenance and Outage Events.

  • Cancellation Reasons Updated – When canceling a service, the reasons that customers are presented with for terminating the service have been updated.

  • Hyperforce on AWS – A new topic has been created that describes how to use Megaport to deploy the AWS Direct Connect (Hosted Connection) architecture for Salesforce Hyperforce support using a public VIF. For more information, see Integrating Megaport with Salesforce Hyperforce on AWS.

  • Issues fixed:

    • Megaport Internet connections for MVEs can be created with individual Service Level References (SLRs), but if the associated MVE is updated, even just by changing the name, the SLRs of all Megaport Internet connections for that MVE were being overwritten with the MVE’s SLR. The SLR of Megaport Internet connections attached to MVEs are now independent and are not updated if the MVE SLR is updated.
    • NPE errors were occurring in the /v2/employment endpoint because the user did not not have an email address defined.

May 2024

  • Megaport Internet Available in More Countries – Megaport Internet connections can now also be ordered from Ports and MCRs in New Zealand, Canada, and Singapore, in addition to Australia, UK and the US where it was already available.

  • Move VXC on MVE Enhancements – You can now move a VXC to a different vNIC on the same MVE. When moving a VXC between MVEs, you can now also select the required vNIC on the destination MVE.

  • Service Key VLAN Validation – Validation has been added to the VLAN field when creating a service key for a Port. The VLAN value entered must be between 2 and 4093.

  • Service Inventory Report – This report has been improved to support companies with a large number of services. The reporting of service termination date and time has also been improved.

  • Issues fixed:

    • When filtering services by contract term of 12 months, the Megaport Portal filter was not returning the correct contract term. Month to month was being shown instead.
    • The monthly rate was not being shown when editing a service key VXC.
    • Rate limit for a service key VXC could be set to a value greater than the maximum rate limit.
  • Pricing Tool enhancements – The following is now available in the Pricing Tool:

    • A-End Type selection for VXC. Port is selected by default but can be changed to MCR or MVE.

    • You can now select Megaport Internet as the VXC connection type. Megaport Internet is available if:

      • A-End type is MCR, Port is in UK, US, or AU, and B-End location is in the same country as the A-End location.
      • A-End type is MVE and the B-End location is in the same country as the A-End location.

      In all other scenarios, Megaport Internet is grayed out and cannot be selected.

April 2024

  • MCR VXC BGP Prefix Filter – Updated the MCR VXC BGP Prefix Filter from None in the Megaport Portal to No Prefix Filter and updated the related text accordingly. This was done to clarify the meaning of the option, that no import or export prefix filter is applied and all valid routes are allowed.

  • Extra Actions Drop-Down – A usability improvement has been made to the new Extra Actions drop-down menu in the Megaport Portal Services page. The previous Expand/Collapse options have been changed to a single dynamic menu option for either expanding or collapsing all services.

  • Service Keys for Ports – Service keys for Ports have been updated in the Megaport Portal. The Service Key screen has had a refresh and the Megaport Portal has changed from displaying an 8 character service key to the full 36 character UUID.

  • Issues fixed:

    • When updating the VXC rate limit, some customers were getting into a loop. This is no longer occurring.

    • Rate limit for a service key VXC can be set to more than the maximum rate limit. A VXC now cannot be updated above the maximum rate.

  • GSA/GRA Updated – Megaport has updated the standard Global Services Agreement (GSA) and Global Reseller Agreement (GRA) terms (in accordance with Clauses 15(a) and 20(a) respectively). As part of this update, the early termination fee (ETF) applied to a service on a contract that is canceled before the term is complete has changed from 50% to 100%. This change took effect in the Megaport Portal on April 15, 2024.

March 2024

  • Service Inventory Report in the Megaport Portal – A feature has been added to the Megaport Portal that allows you to download your service inventory including historical services. The report is saved in comma-separated values (CSV) file format and can be downloaded from the Extra Actions > Download Inventory Report option in the Services page.
    For more information, see Downloading a service inventory.

  • Service Filters – You can now search for and filter by VXCs on a term in the Megaport Portal Services page.

  • Read Only User Changes – Read Only users can now:

    • View the MCR prefix list
    • View AWS connection details
    • On the VXC/MCR Configuration page:
      • See if Q-in-Q is on or off
      • Access BGP connection to see the settings and filters
  • Added Account Manager and Customer Success Manager Fields – New fields Account Manager and Customer Success Manager have been added to the Support Details page in the Megaport Portal.

  • Other updates:

    • Improved services filtering speed.
    • Fixed an issue with the price displayed when re-terming a VXC and increasing the rate limit.
  • Japanese, French, Spanish, and German documentation has been updated with recent content. Updates include information on:

    • setting up Single Sign-On (SSO) in the Megaport Portal.
    • provisioning a cloud VXC to IBM Cloud Direct Link.
    • the new notification group for service up and service down events (Service Status).
    • how to shut down and re-enable VXC and IX services for failover testing.
    • connecting to France-IX.
    • adding up to five Virtual Network Interface Cards (vNICs) to a Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE).
    • using the new interactive map view of services.
    • how to move a VXC and IX across Ports, MCRs, and MVEs.
    • how to add and edit reverse DNS for IX connections.
    • how to order Megaport Internet connections from Ports and MCRs.

    For access from any page, use the menu in the upper-right corner to select a language.

February 2024

  • More Metro Availability in MVE-enabled Markets – Thanks to some recent improvements in the Megaport network, you can now deploy MVEs in more metro markets. MVEs can now be deployed in these additional locations: Australia (Brisbane), Canada (Montreal), Germany (Berlin), Mexico (Querétaro), and USA (Las Vegas and Portland).


    For an exact and up-to-date list of available locations, see the Megaport Enabled Locations page on our website and select MVE Enabled Locations.

  • Show Pricing for Terms in the Megaport Portal – When creating a new service, you can now easily see the pricing for contract terms in the Portal. The way pricing is displayed now, you can immediately see the price for the available contract terms options, and the cost benefit of signing up to a term. The default term of 12 Months is selected for VXCs, Ports, MCRs, and MVEs.

  • Services Filtering – New filter options are available to give you a better Portal experience. Full text search capability in the Portal was available previously, however, this has been enhanced by a new option which allows you to select the service type and contract term to filter on. The sorting options have also been improved, with the ability to choose Creation Date, Name, or Service Location as your ascending/descending service list sort view.
    For more information, see Filtering and sorting services.

  • Deep Linking Supported in the Megaport Portal – Customers that need to follow an approval pipeline project, rejoice! All in-portal links (previously only available to logged-in users) are now shareable and arrive at the same screen for other users within that account, following their authentication (and subject to user permissions). This allows documentation to be populated with specific references to Portal URLs, which will trigger the authentication process and arrive on the specific screen referenced rather than simply defaulting to the Services page or Portal dashboard.

  • Wasabi Technologies Support – Megaport now supports connectivity to Wasabi Direct Connect (WDX). Customers can enable multiple VXCs to Wasabi from a single location, providing the scalability and agility required in response to evolving business needs. To create a connection from a Megaport Port to a Wasabi Technologies cloud storage service, you will need a service key.
    For more information, see Connecting to Wasabi with Megaport.

  • VXC Shutdown Added to the Create Screen – The VXC and IX shutdown feature has been expanded so that you can now shut down a VXC and IX service when creating the service. Previously it could be done only when editing the service.

  • MCR and MVE Diversity – You can now choose a diversity zone in the Megaport Portal when creating MCRs and MVEs. A new diversity zone filter is available on the Locations tab when setting up an MCR and MVE. Selection is set to Auto by default, meaning if you don’t select blue or red diversity zone, the zone is chosen automatically. Tool tips are also available for the new diversity selection.
    The diversity zone in which the service will be deployed is visible throughout the set up process. When choosing a diversity zone, only locations that have capacity on the selected diversity zone are displayed.
    For more information, see MCR and MVE Diversity.

  • Megaport Internet Long Haul – Megaport Internet VXCs can now be ordered long haul from Ports, MCRs, and MVEs within the same country. Port and MCR Megaport Internet VXCs remain available only in the UK, US, and AUS.
    When adding a Megaport Internet connection from an MVE, you are now prompted to select the destination Port. Previously a destination Port in the same diversity zone as the MVE was assigned automatically.

January 2024

  • VXC Inner VLAN Tags – The requirement for VXC inner VLAN tags to match in the Megaport Portal has been removed. This means when ordering a private VXC between two MVEs, you can select the A-End VLAN and B-End VLAN, and these can be different.
    When ordering an Azure connection from an MVE, if you tag the preferred A-End VLAN, you can now also set a different Azure peering VLAN.

  • Updated MVE pop-up documentation links with vendor specific links – Previously when you set up an MVE connection, you were presented with a pop-up which had vendor specific wording in the first two lines, but the link for more information opened a generic documentation landing page. This has been improved so that the link now opens a vendor specific MVE overview page.

  • Lookup AWS HC Bandwidth – The Megaport Portal now fetches bandwidths for AWS HC via API. This ensures that the information being provided to the customer is up to date and correct. This enhancement also applies to the Deal Estimator. A new public API /v2/secure/awshc has also been created for this purpose.

  • Customer Maintenance Notifications for New Services – Now if you order a service in a location where planned maintenance work is required, you will be notified by email within a minimum of 24 hours. The service is then included in all future ENS planned maintenance notifications.

  • New IX Locations – MegaIX is now available in Denver, Atlanta, Miami, and New York, and available for ordering in the Megaport Portal. Megaport’s MegaIX is your high-speed express lane to the most in-demand global networks.

  • Issues fixed:

    • When you edit a deployed IX, the VLAN validation API call was not being made.

    • After approving or rejecting a connection, the services page breaks.

December 2023

  • Terms on VXC – Terms on VXC is now available for both Direct and Partner customers. This feature allows customers to order VXCs at a discounted rate and lock in the price for the length of the term, in line with the terms available for Ports, MCRs, and MVEs. When creating a new VXC or updating an existing VXC, customers now have the option to select a term (or subscription).

    Available term options are No Minimum Term (default), 12, 24, and 36 months. Longer terms result in a lower monthly rate.

    Key points:

    • An early termination fee (ETF) equal to 50% of the remaining contract value applies if a VXC is canceled before the minimum term is complete.
    • While the VXC is on term, speed changes are not allowed (all other changes that won’t affect the price are allowed, including shutting down and moving the VXC).
    • Speed changes are allowed only when re-terming and only if increasing the speed.
    • When re-terming, you can select a term that is >= current term AND you can also increase speed.
    • Customers can re-term at any time and will be notified in the last month of term to renew their term.

    For more information, see VXC Pricing and Contract Terms.

  • Issue fixed – When creating an untagged VXC between two MVEs, the Summary page was showing preferred VLAN as -1 when not specified.

  • Megaport Internet – You can now order Megaport Internet connections from Ports and MCRs within a metro (rate from 20 Mbps to 10 Gbps). Megaport Internet connections for Ports and MCRs can only be ordered from three countries (Australia / US / UK) and cannot leave a metro (A-End and B-End must be in the same metro).
    For more information, see Megaport Internet Overview.

November 2023

  • Large VXCs – Large VXCs are now available to order in the Megaport Portal. Many locations will now support large VXCs up to 25 Gbps. As network upgrades occur, this will increase to supporting VXCs up to 100 Gbps in the future. For metro VXCs, pricing is the same from 10 Gbps to 100 Gbps. For long haul VXCs, pricing will be more linear depending on the network route and pricing zones.


    If you create a VXC greater than the speed supported, you will see an error “Invalid Rate Limit” displayed in the Portal.

  • Improved Portal A-End / B-End Display – When ordering a VXC to and from an MCR in combination with any product, it is now highlighted more obviously to indicate which End is being changed.

  • Move VXC / IX - Improved Services Page – Tooltips have been added to advise why a VXC cannot be moved under certain conditions.

  • Megaport Internet – Updated the logo for Megaport Internet connections.

  • Issues fixed:

    • A promo code wasn’t applying if a Port went live after the next billing cycle.

    • Canceling an expiring Port was applying 30 days notice charge.

    • When viewing a Port in the design state, the Port Configuration page wasn’t being displayed if attached to a VXC with an invalid rate limit.

October 2023

  • Cancellation Reasons – When canceling services, customers will now be asked to provide a reason for terminating the service. A new drop-down field has been added to the Terminate Services screen that allows you to select from a predefined list, or select Other and enter a description in the free text field provided. Multiple help topics where service cancellation is described have been updated for this new field.

  • Reverse DNS for IX Connections – Enabled the ability to add and edit reverse DNS for IX connections.

    • Added a new field called Reverse DNS to the Megaport Portal for customers to specify a reverse DNS when editing an IX. For more information, see Editing an IX.
    • Updated the Validate, Buy, and Update IX APIs to support the specifying of reverse DNS. For more information, see PUT Update IX (API Documentation).
  • Move VXC / IX – The Megaport Portal now allows you to move a single or multiple VXCs / IXs across Ports, MCRs, and MVEs. There are rules as to when a VXC or IX can be moved, including:

    • The source and destination Port service must be the same. That is, both Ports must be the same type (Port, MCR, or MVE).

    • Source and destination Ports must be owned by the same customer account.

    • Source and destination Ports must be located in the same metro.

    • Must be a normal customer Port or supported Cloud Service Provider port. Currently supported CSP ports are: AMS-IX, AWS, AWSHC, and Oracle.

    • The VXC or IX service being moved must not have a VLAN conflict with any existing service on the destination Port.

    • The VXC or IX service being moved must have a speed less than or equal to the destination Port maximum.

      For more information, see Moving VXCs and Moving IXs.

  • IP Transit Renamed – The Transit VXC service that was previously ordered with an MVE to communicate with the SD-WAN overlay network has been renamed to Megaport Internet. You will now create a Megaport Internet connection when creating an MVE. All references to the following in the Megaport Portal and documentation have been changed to Megaport Internet:

    • Transit VXC
    • IP Transit VXC
    • Megaport IP Transit
  • Palo Alto MVE – Updated the Licence Data field to allow alphanumeric characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 (min. 8 characters).

  • Return Key Confirms MFA Token – You can now press Enter on a keyboard to submit the form for enabling MFA, rather than having to use a mouse click to submit.

  • New IX Location - Charlotte NC – MegaIX is now available in Charlotte, NC and available for ordering in the Megaport Portal. Megaport’s MegaIX is your high-speed express lane to the most in-demand global networks.

  • Dashboard – Added a new interactive map view of services to the Dashboard. Partner accounts can switch between partner / managed accounts views. For more information on using the new Megaport Portal interactive globe dashboard, see Megaport Portal Dashboard.

September 2023

  • Megaport ONE – Launched the Beta version of Megaport ONE. Megaport’s new feature-rich networking, compute, and orchestration platform will take users through the cloud. For more information on the announcement, see Megaport Announces Public Availability of Megaport ONE Beta.

  • vNIC Connectivity – Megaport now allows you to add up to five Virtual Network Interface Cards (vNICs) to a Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE). You will have to specify which vNIC to use as an A-End or B-End when creating a connection to or from the MVE. Various topics relating to planning MVE deployments, creating MVEs, and connecting a VXC to an MVE have been updated to describe vNIC requirements. For more information, see Types of vNIC Connections.


    Consult your service provider to make sure that functionality won’t be affected if you add a vNIC.

  • Issues fixed:

    • Designed Services being removed on refresh: Partners were losing designed services when designing services for their Managed Accounts.

    • Sort and filter buttons on the Services Page alignment.

August 2023

  • France-IX Connectivity – Megaport now supports connectivity to France-IX via VXC using the Service Key and Megaport Marketplace connectivity types. You can connect to France-IX by creating a VXC from a Port, MCR, and MVE. For more information, see France-IX Connectivity.

  • MCR Looking Glass Performance Improvements – MCR Looking Glass has been updated to support asynchronous requests for IP, BGP, and neighbor routes. A new endpoint called GET MCR IP / BGP / BGP Neighbor Routes in Async Mode has also been created to support retrieving these results. For more information, see MCR Looking Glass (API Documentation).


    Synchronous mode will be deprecated in the future so we recommend using asynchronous mode.

July 2023

June 2023

May 2023

  • Japanese, French, Spanish, and German documentation has been updated with recent content. Updates include information on configuring AWS Outposts Rack with private connectivity, a new topic describing the LOA, new topics on diversity in Google and Azure connections, information on user authentication (including creating API keys), and a guide to creating connections to 3DS Outscale. For access from any page, use the menu in the upper-right corner to select a language.

  • Change BGP Password and ASN after Ordering IX Service – Various new or updated help topics relating to the ability to change the BGP password and ASN after you have ordered an IX service:

  • Allow Internet Traffic Exchange Between MVEs – This FAQ topic has been updated to explain that internet traffic between MVEs is now allowed. These partner topics were also updated:

April 2023

  • Introducing MVE for Palo Alto Networks VM-Series – A full set of new topics that describe the Megaport and VM-Series Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) solution, including overview, deployment, cloud, and connection details.

  • New Package Sizes for MVE – Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) instances are now consolidated into four new tiered package sizes. Each size now has 4 GB of RAM for every vCPU allocated. In addition, new Transit VXC functionality allows you to adjust the IP Transit bandwidth at any time. The sizing specifications are listed for each partner:

March 2023

  • Megaport Support for Managed Account Users – We now offer direct technical support for managed account users. In this optional support model, customers managed by a partner contact the Megaport Support team directly with any support requests. Enrolling in the Megaport direct support model provides a way for partners to offer a self-service experience to their customers.

January 2023

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) – Improvements have been made to the user experience and security of customers accessing the Megaport Portal, including having MFA enforced at an account level and admin visibility of which users have MFA set up. There are various new or updated help topics relating to the MFA improvements, including:

  • Autonomous Mode for Cisco MVE – Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) integrated with Cisco now supports provisioning of the MVE NFV service as a virtualized standalone router, providing full control of the cloud provider to users with advanced routing expertise. This provisioning mode does not require SD-WAN. For more information, see Cisco with MVE.

December 2022

November 2022

October 2022

September 2022

  • Configuring AWS Outposts Rack with Private Connectivity – This new topic describes how to deploy AWS Outposts Rack with an AWS Direct Connect Hosted Connection via a Megaport Port, a Megaport Cloud Router (MCR), and Virtual Cross Connects (VXCs).

  • Enabling Billing Markets – This topic has been updated with tax questions for UK, Australia, and Singapore billing markets. These questions will help calculate an accurate tax rate.

  • Updated and new W8 forms – The Customer Onboarding page includes updated and new onboarding letters. The new letters are for Belgium, Spain, Finland, and Luxembourg.

July 2022

June 2022

  • Megaport API Documentation has a new topic that describes how to validate a VXC order for an MCR. This topic includes BGP configuration.

May 2022

  • New Package Sizes for MVE – Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) instances are now offered in several tiered package sizes that include appropriate internet bandwidth sizing. The sizing specifications vary for each SD-WAN partner:

  • Configuring BGP Advanced Settings – This help topic has been updated with Megaport Cloud Router (MCR) Google Cloud Services support for single-hop Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD).

April 2022

  • Creating an MVE Integrated with Aruba Using a System Tag – This new help topic describes how you can use a system tag to streamline configuration when deploying Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) with Aruba SD-WAN as the integration partner.

  • New Market – Mexico has been added to the list of available markets, with new metros for Mexico City and Querétaro.

March 2022

February 2022

  • Terms for MVEs – MVEs now support 12, 24, and 36-month terms in addition to the pay-as-you-go option. Contract terms provide fixed pricing and discounts.

  • Customer Field Services – This new topic describes the process Megaport follows when customers require an onsite technician to troubleshoot an issue or provide a solution.

  • Japanese, French, Spanish, and German documentation has been updated with recent content. For access from any page, use the menu in the upper-right corner to select a language.

January 2022

  • Terms for MCRs – MCRs now support 12, 24, and 36-month terms in addition to the pay-as-you-go option. You can specify the term for an MCR during creation, or edit an existing MCR to specify a new term. Contract terms provide fixed pricing and discounts.

December 2021

November 2021

  • Enhanced troubleshooting topics and videos – This section has been expanded with detailed steps and quick tip videos to help you investigate errors and unexpected behaviors with your Megaport services.

  • Introducing MVE for Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN – A set of new topics that describe the Megaport and Aruba SD-WAN solution, including overview, deployment, cloud, and connection details.

  • Japanese, French, Spanish, and German documentation has been updated with recent content. For access from any page, use the menu in the upper-right corner to select a language.

October 2021

  • Support for 20G VXCsTopic updates to indicate support for connections of up to 20 Gbps between 100 Gbps Ports within the same metro.

  • Expanded information for User Roles – The Managing User Roles topic includes a table that describes what functionality is available for each role.

  • Updated and new W8 forms – The Vendor Onboarding page includes updated and new W8 forms. The new forms are for Spain, Finland, Germany, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.

September 2021

  • Megaport Documentation now available in Spanish – For access from any page, use the menu in the upper-right corner to select the language.

  • Introducing MVE for Versa Secure SD-WAN – A set of new topics that describe the Megaport and Versa SD-WAN solution, including overview, deployment, cloud, and connection details.

  • Enhanced and Reorganized Billing and Pricing Information – Billing and Pricing details are now in separate sections and include expanded and enhanced content.

  • Connecting to Sungard AS with Megaport – This new topic describes how to connect to Sungard AS through the Megaport Portal.

August 2021

  • Partner-Managed Accounts – The documentation has been updated to reflect how partner-managed accounts can have a different experience when ordering and managing services.

  • Downloading an Invoice – The help topic has been updated to reflect an easier approach to downloading CSV and PDF invoices.

  • Japanese, French, and German documentation has been updated with recent content – For access from any page, use the menu in the upper-right corner to select a language.

May 2021

March 2021

  • Introducing MVE – Introducing Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) – An on-demand, vendor-neutral Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) hosting service.

  • MCR Route Filtering – This new topic describes how you can configure route filters on MCR to easily control which routes are exchanged between BGP neighbor routers.

  • Megaport Support Services – This section has been updated with details on Megaport Support requests and how we perform network maintenance.

February 2021

  • Japanese, French, and German versions of the Megaport Documentation are now available – For access from any page, use the menu in the upper-right corner to select a language.

  • Support for IBM Direct Link 2.0:

  • Configuring Q-in-Q – This topic has been updated with ways to configure multiple layer VLAN tag handling on network devices without native Q-in-Q support.

  • Connecting to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute – This topic has been updated with ways to connect to ExpressRoute on network devices that do not support Q-in-Q.

January 2021

  • Megaport Support Services – This new section provides a general overview of the Support team and describes how to contact Megaport Support.

  • Megaport API documentation – The API reference documentation has been thoroughly updated, with a new format, new organization, and new examples in many popular client languages. The site also includes an updated Postman collection with pre-built requests.

  • Creating a VXC – A streamlined workflow in the Megaport Portal makes it easier to configure Megaport Cloud Router (MCR) Virtual Cross Connects (VXCs). The updated MCR Connection Detail page consolidates the VXC configuration attributes. This user experience refresh has no impact on existing MCR behavior.

December 2020

October 2020

September 2020

July 2020

  • API Overview – This section enhances the API reference at by describing how to use the API to perform common tasks. New topics step you through using the API to complete procedures such as logging in, creating a Port or MCR, and creating a VXC to a Cloud Service Provider.
  • Creating an MCR – The new Initial BGP State option lets you select whether you want any new BGP sessions you configure to be live as soon as you save the configuration.
  • Understanding Locations – This new topic describes how to use the new Megaport Locations page to find a Megaport Point of Presence.
  • Connecting to Cloudflare with Megaport – This new topic describes how to connect to Cloudflare through the Megaport Portal.
  • Pricing & Billing updates: