
Connecting to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) private connection model is called FastConnect. FastConnect provides private connectivity and self-service provisioning including full API-level integration.

When connecting to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) through FastConnect with Megaport, the Virtual Cross Connect (VXC) forms the Layer 2 component of the connection. Layer 3 BGP connectivity is established directly between you and Oracle.

Play video   Watch an 8-minute FastConnect video overview.

A common FastConnect deployment might look like this:

FastConnect deployment


Oracle offers an SLA on its FastConnect connectivity but the SLA requires two FastConnect VXCs for redundancy.


You can connect to OCI through FastConnect with Megaport using the OCI console without having to switch between the Oracle and Megaport Portals. For more information, see A simple guide: OCI and Megaport are now integrated.

There are two stages involved with establishing a FastConnect connection.

  • Create the FastConnect in the Oracle console with Megaport as the provider.
  • Provision the VXC in the Megaport Portal to connect to your FastConnect location.

To create the FastConnect in the Oracle console

  1. Log in to the Oracle console and select the region from the upper-right corner.
    Oracle console

  2. Create a Compartment or select an existing Compartment to deploy these new resources.

  3. Select Networking and create your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN), Dynamic Routing Gateway, and the FastConnect.
    Networking details
    When you create the FastConnect in the Oracle Console, you will be provided with the OCID.

  4. Copy this OCID and then log in to the Megaport Portal.

If you plan to use a private virtual circuit (private peering), you need a Dynamic Routing Gateway (DRG). Use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to set up a DRG, attach it to your VCN, and update routing in your VCN to include a route rule to send traffic to the DRG. It’s easy to forget to update the route table but without the route rule, no traffic will flow.

To create the Megaport connection to Oracle FastConnect

  1. In the Megaport Portal, go to the Services page and select the Port you want to use.
    If you haven’t already created a Port, see Creating a Port.
  2. Add an VXC connection for the Port.
    If this is the first connection for the Port, click the Oracle tile. The tile is a shortcut to the configuration page. Alternatively, click +Connection, click Cloud, and click Oracle.
    VXC connection

  3. Enter your Oracle Cloud ID (OCID).
    The Portal verifies the OCID and displays the available port locations based on the FastConnect region. (For example, if your FastConnect service is deployed in Ashburn, you only see the Ashburn FastConnect targets).

  4. Select a target location for your first connection and click Next.
    Target location

  5. Specify the connection details:

    • Connection Name – The name of your VXC to be shown in the Megaport Portal.

    • Service Level Reference (optional) – Specify a unique identifying number for the VXC to be used for billing purposes, such as a cost center number or a unique customer ID. The service level reference number appears for each service under the Product section of the invoice. You can also edit this field for an existing service.


      Partner-managed accounts can apply a Partner Deal to a service. For more information, see Associating a Deal With a Service.

    • Rate Limit – The speed of your connection in Mbps. Enter the same rate or up to the rate you specified in the Oracle console.

    • VXC State – Select Enabled or Shut Down to define the initial state of the connection. For more information, see Shutting Down a VXC for Failover Testing.


      If you select Shut Down, traffic will not flow through this service and it will behave as if it was down on the Megaport network. Billing for this service will remain active and you will still be charged for this connection.

    • Preferred A-End VLAN (optional) – Specify a VLAN ID for this connection.
      This must be a unique VLAN ID on this Port and can range from 2 to 4093. If you specify a VLAN ID that is already in use, the system displays the next available VLAN number. The VLAN ID must be unique to proceed with the order. If you don’t specify a value, Megaport will assign one.

      Alternatively, you can click Untag to remove the VLAN tagging for this connection. The untagged option limits you to only one VXC deployed on this Port. You must use untagged VLANs if you are creating a MACsec connection.

    • Minimum Term – Select No Minimum Term, 12 Months, 24 Months, or 36 Months. Longer terms result in a lower monthly rate. 12 Months is selected by default.
      Take note of the information on the screen to avoid early termination fees (ETF). For more information, see VXC Pricing and Contract Terms and VXC, Megaport Internet, and IX Billing.

    • Resource Tags – You can use resource tags to add your own reference metadata to a Megaport service.
      To add a tag:

      1. Click Add Tags.
      2. Click Add New Tag.
      3. Enter details into the fields:
        • Key - string maximum length 128. Valid values are a-z 0-9 _ : . / \ -
        • Value - string maximum length 256. Valid values are a-z A-Z 0-9 _ : . @ / + \ - (space)
      4. Click Save.

      If you already have resource tags for that service, you can manage them by clicking Manage Tags.


      Never include sensitive information in a resource tag. Sensitive information includes commands that return existing tag definitions and information that will identify a person or company.

    Connection details

  6. Click Next.
    A summary page appears that includes the monthly cost. Click Back to make changes or click Add VXC to move this configuration to your cart. Once you have finished this configuration, you can configure additional VXCs or proceed through the checkout process.

To deploy a second FastConnect (and this is recommended), create a second FastConnect on the Oracle Console, copy the new OCID into the Megaport Portal, and repeat these steps.


Oracle regions are independent of other regions. Each FastConnect connects to one region; connecting to multiple regions requires multiple FastConnects.

Helpful references