
Azure Service Key API Response Fields

This topic shows the response to an Azure service key lookup request and describes the response fields.

    GET {baseUrl}/v2/secure/azure/{service_key}
    "message": "Successful lookup",
    "terms": "This data is subject to the Acceptable Use Policy",
    "data": {
        "managed": true,
        "connectType": "AZURE",
        "resource_type": "csp_connection",
        "bandwidth": 200,
        "service_key": "3e2480b2-b4d5-424b-976a-7b0de65a1b62",
        "vlan": 3289,
        "megaports": [
                "portSpeed": 10000,
                "name": "Washington DC Primary",
                "state": "VA",
                "description": "Azure ExpressRoute at Equinix DC2/6",
                "productUid": "a7ae8a35-433e-44aa-87cb-a1b7995ab008",
                "nServiceId": 32832,
                "companyUid": "c40de5ed-4707-4471-a78c-69436de2c505",
                "country": "USA",
                "vxc": 60574,
                "port": 14570,
                "companyName": "Azure ExpressRoute",
                "locationId": 67,
                "productId": 14570,
                "type": "primary",
                "companyId": 1475
                "portSpeed": 10000,
                "name": "Washington DC Secondary",
                "state": "VA",
                "description": "Azure ExpressRoute at Equinix DC2/6",
                "productUid": "07ab0ee6-7f77-41ac-bbe6-335e3ee6d182",
                "nServiceId": 36431,
                "companyUid": "c40de5ed-4707-4471-a78c-69436de2c505",
                "country": "USA",
                "vxc": 60575,
                "port": 16108,
                "companyName": "Azure ExpressRoute",
                "locationId": 67,
                "productId": 16108,
                "type": "secondary",
                "companyId": 1475
        "peers": [
                "peer_asn": 133937,
                "shared_key": null,
                "primary_subnet": "",
                "secondary_subnet": "",
                "vlan": 100,
                "type": "private"
                "peer_asn": 133937,
                "shared_key": null,
                "prefixes": ",",
                "primary_subnet": "",
                "secondary_subnet": "",
                "vlan": 200,
                "type": "microsoft"

These tables describe each field in the response.

Attribute Description Values
managed Indicates if Megaport manages the peer information true/false
connectType AZURE
resource_type csp_connection
bandwidth The bandwidth set on the ExpressRoute configuration in the Azure portal • 50 Mbps
• 100 Mbps
• 200 Mbps
• 500 Mbps
• 1 Gbps
• 2 Gbps
• 5 Gbps
• 10 Gbps
For more information, see the Microsoft help topic with bandwidth options.
service_key The ID for the service key UUID
vlan VLAN ID
megaports Array of Megaport details, including attached VXCs. The array contains information for both a primary and secondary port. For more information, see the Ports table (next).
peers Array of peer information, with maximum of two: private and microsoft. If peers are not configured, they will not be present. For more information, see the Peers table (below).


Attribute Description
portSpeed Speed of the Port: 1000, 10000, or 100000 Mbps
name Name of the Port
state Location of the Port (State)
description Description of the Port
productUid Port UUID - used for ordering
nServiceId Used by Megaport
companyUid Used by Megaport
country Location of the Port (Country)
vxc Numeric ID of VXC associated with this key/Port combination. Null if a VXC is not configured
port Numeric ID of the Port
companyName Name of company that owns the Port
locationId The ID of the location of this Port
productId Same as the Port
companyId Numeric ID of the company


For a Port, you configure peering through the Azure portal. When configured, the peering details appear in the response.

For an MCR, you can set the peering type through the API and Megaport automatically configures the BGP details. When configured, these peering details appear in the service key validation response.

Attribute Description Values
peer_asn The ASN of the peer Valid ASN (do not use 65515)
shared_key Shared BGP key Null or up to 25 alphanumeric characters
prefixes IP address prefixes Comma separated list of public IP address prefixes associated with the primary and secondary subnets - only present for Microsoft peering.
primary_subnet Primary IP subnet associated with this peer type. IP prefix
secondary_subnet Secondary IP subnet associated with this peer type. IP prefix
vlan Inner VLAN associated with this peer type int
type Peering type microsoft or private