
MCR and MVE Diversity

Diverse connections improve the robustness of your network by using different physical infrastructure to provide network services. Diverse connections build in redundancy and eliminate single points of failure.

Megaport Cloud Router (MCR) and Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) simplify the deployment of diverse connections by establishing diversity zones. A diversity zone is a group of devices at a single Megaport location. MCRs and MVEs in different diversity zones are physically separated on Megaport devices and connected to different devices.

During Megaport scheduled maintenance, no more than one diversity zone in a given metro will experience downtime at any time. Whenever possible, diversity zones in the same city have maintenance periods scheduled for different days.

Each MCR or MVE indicates its diversity zone with either a red or blue icon.

Selecting a diversity zone

When you select the location for your MCR or MVE, you can select the diversity zone.

When you choose a diversity zone, the location results list will be filtered by that zone:

  • Auto (default) - This will show all locations where MCR or MVE are available.
  • Red or Blue diversity zone - If you select Red or Blue diversity zone, only locations that have availability in that zone will be displayed.

This image shows the buttons available to select a diversity zone. There is a half-blue and half-red circle for auto selection, a red circle for red diversity zone, and a blue circle for blue diversity zone.

Icon Meaning Use case
Auto select diversity zone Allow Megaport to allocate the diversity zone
Red diversity zone Allocate the MCR or MVE to the red diversity zone
Blue diversity zone Allocate the MCR or MVE to the blue diversity zone

Auto diversity zone

If you choose Auto diversity zone, Megaport will select which zone to allocate your service to.
The following rules apply:

  • If both diversity zones are available, one zone will be chosen.
  • If only one zone is available, that zone will be chosen.